Saturday, October 24, 2009

A book review that might inspire me write again

Salon interviews Jonathan Lethem about his latest book, "Chronic City," and while I've read several other reviews, and listened to a podcast at the New York Times, it was the comparison to his own growing "cultural worldliness" that erupted inside.

"What made me myself," I wondered. And that in itself is a story.

I don't remember a single mentor, but rather a gradual tutoring in life that occurred, and at a distance seems to have happened almost existentially.

@ 25 October--reading a magazine piece in the New York Times, an image floated before my eyes that I hadn't thought of for three decades: a chance drama teaching gig in New Jersey, substituting for my voice coach, at age 20. John gave me that rare opportunity that was empowering and thrilling. Mentor!

@ 14 November - the ideal reader

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