Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Annie's Gallery Opening in Saugerties

Sometimes it isn't the map that leads but circumstances like an invitation to a gallery opening that seems to lead me along the path--that's how I found Saugerties.

When I learned I was going to drive up to the Delaware Water Gap, I thought I'd stop by Annie's gallery opening.

What a detour? Dashing back and forth between the two Catskill counties might become habit forming if I decide it is the New York State mountains that will entertain me in my next move.

First I drove up, through the Verrazano Bridge through NJ to the Water Gap and stopped in Hurley, Honesdale, visited Calicoon and zoomed through Narrowsburg, never stopping but continuing along Rte 55 to make it with plenty of time for the Opening.

Sunday, November 27, 2005


Thursday I had Thanksgiving in Phoenicia with two or more dozen people only two of whom I had ever met. This trip to Phoenicia and the celebration of the holiday was a two-fer. I had the pleasure of a wonderfully prepared, joyful dinner and the opportunity to house hunt with RW the following morning.

I saw about half a dozen houses, none of which pleased, but all of which helped me move closer to understanding what it is I want.

Phoenicia was already covered with light snow when I arrived mid-afternoon and foolishly I arrived sans boots. My apple torte from the Hens was a success that evening, and I started to feel real comfortable, almost too comfortable as I was headed out Friday morning for the West, that is, across Ulster to Sullivan county.

Friday was Thanksgiving in Narrowsburg, New York with Judith, Miranda and the Buckley clan.

I tried to dash across the State but found myself lost less than 20 miles out. Somehow I lost Rte 52, and drove around one country road after another. Having become dependent on a cell phone I was lost. No service in either sojourn. The phone was able to reach out to Pittsburgh and Marijke but not in the mountains. With a little help from Marijke, lots of disjointed calls that got cut off with Judith, I made it!

When I pulled into the road, it appeared that we all timed our arrival: we all came together so although I considered myself late I was really on time.

Thursday, November 24, 2005

Everyday, it seems, a small part of the past vanishes. Something new appears, but is new always better? I think not!

I have a memory, albeit distant, of an early morn in the 70s when I visited the Fulton Fish Market. It was bustling, thriving, invigorating and I was there at 4 a.m. Perhaps it was a Friday, perhaps not. For a short while I had been part of the "Buy Team" at our local 10th Street Food Co-op. We rose early, went to the Bronx Terminals, the Meat Packing district and Fulton Fish Market.

I loved it!

Wednesday, November 23, 2005

This blog is intended as a place to record memories, not ordinary memories but my memory of place.

Today for example, I had a false start in Park Slope because in such a few short months, less than 9, the number just short of pregnancy, since I lived there I found my favourite Lebanese shop altered, the corner store at 3rd Street now a restaurant, the place I bought 3 of my 6 Merrick's closed and no evidence of a bakery between 9th and Union Streets.

I was grateful the eyewear shop was present and open. I will have some new spec's by February, two years since I dropped by and bought two pair, one for walking around and another for reading this fuzzy screen we call a laptop.

I managed to pick up some new underwear, and two warm wool socks, buy terrific cheese, crackers and two treats for myself: halva and nutella. I neglected the lemon curd but will remember before the year is out.

Speedy was ready for me with a Nissen,

and off I drove to the Two Hens. Crowded with people clamoring for good pies, cakes, cookies and freshly brewed coffee, I bought not one but three pies in anticipating of two days of Thanksgiving. Thursday in Phoenicia, Friday in Narrowsburg.

Perhaps I'll have memory of these places to share. Perhaps!