Sunday, November 27, 2005


Thursday I had Thanksgiving in Phoenicia with two or more dozen people only two of whom I had ever met. This trip to Phoenicia and the celebration of the holiday was a two-fer. I had the pleasure of a wonderfully prepared, joyful dinner and the opportunity to house hunt with RW the following morning.

I saw about half a dozen houses, none of which pleased, but all of which helped me move closer to understanding what it is I want.

Phoenicia was already covered with light snow when I arrived mid-afternoon and foolishly I arrived sans boots. My apple torte from the Hens was a success that evening, and I started to feel real comfortable, almost too comfortable as I was headed out Friday morning for the West, that is, across Ulster to Sullivan county.

Friday was Thanksgiving in Narrowsburg, New York with Judith, Miranda and the Buckley clan.

I tried to dash across the State but found myself lost less than 20 miles out. Somehow I lost Rte 52, and drove around one country road after another. Having become dependent on a cell phone I was lost. No service in either sojourn. The phone was able to reach out to Pittsburgh and Marijke but not in the mountains. With a little help from Marijke, lots of disjointed calls that got cut off with Judith, I made it!

When I pulled into the road, it appeared that we all timed our arrival: we all came together so although I considered myself late I was really on time.

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