Thursday, December 24, 2009

Christmas in New York

My entire immediate family is making tracks to Puerto Rico for Christmas.

I will instead head to New York City for a sweet sojourn in my home town.

Williamsburg, Brooklyn New York

I'll sleep in the 'Burg, take the L train to Manhattan each day to eat bagels; gobble up ethnic food; indulge myself on Sushi; make a bee-line to New York Central; tear up at the old Art Store, now Dick Blick on Bond Street; venture into old territory and explore and discover the new.

Fuji Instax Mini 7s

I'll be certain to get over to B&H to check out cameras; and perhaps buy one, trade one in or just browse.

Red Paste for Chops

Chinese New Year

I'll wander around the back streets of China Town, buy a pot of red paste for my name chop and lunch at a fabulous dim sum restaurant.

I'll see Blake and Dickens at the Morgan; Jung at the Ruben; Man Ray at the Jewish Museum,

Tim Burton at the MoMA ©

and perhaps find my way to 53rd Street to see Tim Burton at MoMa (I just learned that tickets may make for long delays).

Rockefeller Center

If I do not dawdle, I might have time to see the skating rink aglow with Christmas lights; fashion on Madison Avenue; take the tram to Roosevelt Island; buy perfume at Bloomingdale's; drink cappuccino at some of my old cafe haunts; and take photographs of the Brooklyn Bridge.

High Tea at the Palm Court, Plaza Hotel

If the Plaza was offering high tea, it would be one of my musts, but I suspect it is still closed...instead I'll find an equally satisfying luxury in my travels.

I might even take an excursion to a pen shop.

Danger alights as my fingers tap out the the words, fountain pen.

Check out Kinokuniya in Bryant Park or RC.

What about a movie night; will I find some of those not here films in the City, like An Education?

I will not stint but indulge.

Will I be sated?

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