Monday, January 18, 2010

A book resolution for 2010

Linda Miller at had some interesting things to say about reading books, how we select them and last but not least, how a journal, diary or record of those books we read with some notes, can be a sure-fire way to keep our memory neurons active and our information gathering skills dynamic.

My New Year's resolution about books and reading differs somewhat from Ms. Miller's suggestion to read a book that is unappealing.

Instead I am going to parse my "wish list" at Amazon and elsewhere, and sift through the pages to refine which of the dozens--possibly hundreds of books--I have accumulated in the last couple of years.

I know that if I made reading my sole occupation as I did the summer I spent in Guilford I could read between 5-7 books per week, but I am in a different place in my life and that ain't going to happen.

I started to review all the books on my lists; deleted quite a few and will be gathering the titles and authors into a fresh journal later this month.

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