Thursday, May 21, 2009


One of loss, another of gain.

One in historic Germany during the Holocaust, the second more local with lots of good cooking, friends and of all people, Rene.

I am wondering how these two dreams tie into or back to my card of the day or my reading or viewing these days.

And the second dream had some interesting twists, much of which I can no longer remember, but the last bit of the dream was a telephone call to the house asking for "abundance" and suggesting Rene said we had so much to offer freebies were being offered.

In this same dream two featured players were young, male and blonde.

As I am a strong believer that all the players, characters, people in our dreams are ourselves, I have to ask myself how these young males play a role in my life.

And when I ask that question I find myself back to my card of the day picks.

Recently I have been pulling coins/pentacles, court cards and Major Arcana. If I took the last cards I pulled and did a spread I wonder what it would indicate.

I think I will try that later today or tomorrow.

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