Wednesday, December 20, 2006

It's snowing here in Taos, slowly but steadily and I have no boots. I did go out to get some wet wood to have a fire, but quickly changed my shoes and huddled for awhile under my alpaca stole.

But, I am in an adobe, and can put the heat on (higher). The two climbers that have not been recovered or found alive on Mt.Hood are don't have this luxury. I don't generally pray, but I do light candles. I lite one for the two men yesterday and it is slowly extinguishing. I lite another and it is still going. I had so wishes that although one of the three climbers was found dead, the other two might have made it to some cave. But it is 12 days since they called for help. Twelve days without heat is intolerable to think about. I went one or two days once, out of ignorance, without heat, and I nearly lost my mind. One of the first things that happens is confusion, a kind of disorientation I've never experienced before or since.