Saturday, December 30, 2006

Unbearable Lightness

It's already days, actually last year, December 29, that I saw the Unbearable Lightness of Being." I read the book ages ago, so long ago and so many books since that I barely remembered the plot, or the theme. What it did was remind me of a long ago love relationship with a Czech.

For one brief, but incredible moment we were Valentines. It was 1988, a most memorable year for me, and he came into my life as suddenly as a sharp change in temperature. We met at a bus-stop. We traveled by tramway. We made love, laughed and cried all in sudden, electrifying but unbearable moments. It took me hours to recall his name, or rather the name he called himself. It wasn't his given name but a name he adopted. His life was fierce and unimaginable. My relationship with him mimicked that description, but I was able to recall the feeling I had at the touch of his hand.

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