Thursday, September 04, 2008

About writing

My son in law is a writer. He writes for journals, magazines, does television and radio stories and possibly, secretly, he may be writing or has written something more personal. He started out in a career as a newspaper journalist, but is now free-lance.

Today, he sent me this online article from the pen of Elizabeth Gilbert about writing. I am not familiar with her work, and the book itself, although a best seller, doesn't appeal to me, but I do have to think about "what writing means to me."

Last night, in the dark, I kept writing down a few words and thinking about them: Dancing, Singing, Acting, Writing, Painting.

I closed my eyes in that dark room and tried to imagine each of these in my life.

Dancing came first. Why, I ask? I started out at age four as a tap-dancer. It didn't last long, and it never became a career, but I know whilst in acting school, I enjoyed the movement class as much as the ad lib classes. I also remember how free and wonderful I felt just plain dancing at parties, in ballrooms, at a night club or in my underwear in my own bedroom.

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