Thursday, September 18, 2008

The things that sooth, those that unnerve

Finishing up an article for a news magazine is one of those things that unnerve--will it be accepted, how much will it be edited, have I hit the high points, the right points or met my editor's goal? I heard from my editor today and she gave me a passing grade but also did quite a bit of editing. But it is over, the waiting to hear and the finish line.

Now I'm thinking of those personal and creative endeavors that sooth rather than rattle my senses.

The projects I have in the hopper, or rather are either on my mind or on my drawing board are not necessarily quieting, either.

So, what's next?

I have a workshop coming up if registration is sufficient in October.

I have a quasi-outline of an article to do with a photography friend for a major magazine.

Neither of these will still the voices inside that scream at me.

Perhaps all I can do today is sort rather than start the juices flowing, or maybe sorting will get those juices coursing through my system.

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